Missions & services


Direction de l'économie, de l'emploi et de l'enseignement supérieur
Grand Besançon Métropole

La City - 4 rue Gabriel Plançon
25043 Besançon Cedex

Coordonnées :
Tél. : +33 (0)3 81 87 88 10
Email : economie@grandbesancon.fr

Succeeding together

Supporting the existing economic fabric of the district and encouraging the development of new activities and jobs, finding premises or land for a new building, facilitating contacts with specifiers, partners and decision-makers, meeting your recruitment needs, promoting the district and enhancing its attractiveness, boosting innovation and eco-innovation… Grand Besançon makes every effort to provide services that correspond to your issues and to support you at every stage of your project, from the idea to completion.  

What Grand Besançon can offer you:

  • a single point of contact who will oversee your project throughout 
  • a dedicated team and a network of experts who will be attentive to your precise needs :
    1. study of the site (land, offices, shop, industrial or craft premises),
    2. funding and identification of all the grants and subsidies available, 
    3. recruitment and training of your teams, 
    4. finding industrial and technical partners,
    5. welcoming your staff to the city,
    6. marketing and commercial canvassing
  • a comprehensive, in-depth knowledge of the Grand Besançon district and the companies, research labs, partners and institutions relevant to your plans
  • confidential, free services delivered precisely when you need them

Direction de l’Economie, Emploi et Enseignement Supérieur
La City
4 rue Gabriel Plançon
25000 Besançon

Tél. : 03 81 87 88 10
E-mail : economie@grandbesancon.fr

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